The struggle, the fight, the pain, the endless day's, and sleepless nights shaped him to be what he is today. He carved a path in his destiny so he could become the right hand of god lyrically. A lyrically blessed individual that refused to be restrained to poverty by societies shackles, Cypher unleashed his wrath upon the world at a very young age. The artist Cypher who later became MAV to honor his fallen confidant (VER R.I.P) ripped through the lyrical scene and took the game hostage, the ransom is high and the bar was set. MAV was born in October in the windy city of Chicago to a Laredo born mother and a father born in San Juan, Puerto Rico. MAV was raised in a single mother household, his parents divorced at age 5. His childhood wasn’t typical to that of other children. It was full of battles and struggles both inter and intrapersonal. As a young child MAV became acquainted with the “struggle” concept. During his childhood he witnessed things most people won’t ever witness in their lifetime. Seeing his first murder at the tender age of four. All the adversity he faced through the years did not discourage him from reaching his dream. MAV came to many crossroads; chose the wrong path at times but he made it all work to his advantage and never walked the same road twice. Theft, drugs, violence, and music; MAV was a young competitor in many areas of life. As a young contender in the Chicago area MAV was making big moves in the local scene. He has a record on and off the streets. MAV was a young hustler in the making, a shot caller on the rise. MAV's rise to fame wasn't an easy road to success, he slipped, he fell, he struggled to get where he's at today. With the spirit of a fighter and the wisdom of a hustler MAV was able to become an entrepreneur not only paving the way for him self but also kicking down the door for other local artists to strive. Thus the beginning of an Urban Media Buzz was created. His credibility is flawless, his rapport unsurpassable. He performed with artists expanding from East Coast to the West Coast and everything in between. MAV performed with artists such as Chingo Bling, Pitbull, Ludacris, Malverde, Bone Thugs & Harmony, Lil Rob, Baby Bash, Immortal Technique, and many more. MAV joined Sol Camp in 2005; he has put out 1 album, 5 mix tapes, and 3 mix tapes since becoming a member of SOL camp. MAV has indeed worked hard to earn the title of Freestyle Battle champ 9 times consecutively and has been Arizona’s 1 Latin rapper by Xpoz Magazine time and time again since 2006. The very talented MAV has been in Dub Magazine, Arizona State Press, Press Boxx just to name a few. This unprecedented lyricist known as MAV has brought his own twist to the game. His undeniable talent is felt and heard on every bar he spits. Mix tape to album and everything in-between. His talent does not only include rapping, he is a writer, and an entrepreneur. He is the co-founder of urbanmediabuzz.com dedicated to opening the door for the local starving artists. MAV should be considered a threat. He is passionate, he has dedication, he is humble, and he has the recipe for success. With various projects in the works he has no time for play. The time he spent in the struggle made him realize it’s all about the hustle. MAV has a variety of plans for the near and distant future. Such as the release of his latest Mix Tape “Pages from My RhymeBook” and the release of his album “Independent Hustlin” early 2010. These are very highly anticipated by his vast range of followers. MAV is bringing life to the game! Hip Hop was never dead it was just preparing itself for this MC. It is with out a question that MAV is on the rise! Talent of his caliber is indisputable Lady’s and gentlemen, boy’s and girl’s are you ready world? I present to you MAV, the number One contender: the titleholder chosen by the people for the people. All other “rappers” take out a pen and paper take notes. MAV is the future of music. by erika sanchez
Official Video for "Til The Sunrise" Mav featuring Juice