Here is the Interview:
White writing=Young Nik
What age did you start rapping? Girl I'm not really sure lol maybe 14
What made you want to rap? The culture of rap at the time, the feeling it gave, the togetherness and also the competitiveness. It brought people together in fun and that's what I wanted to be apart of.
Who are your influences? Family, Biggie, Jay-Z, Kim, Foxxy Brown and Myself
How hard is it to stand out as "another female rapper" with all of the hype going on with Nicki Minaj etc? Lol. Hard? What's that? It's not hard at all! Hype is temporary, I'm out to be a classic!
What do you bring to the table that makes you stand out? My personality. Also, my style, I call it hip-clectic ;) I made that up. It's a mixture of hip hop, r&b, pop, techno, etc. I made it up because I just couldn't define myself with one genre. Lucky Me! :)
Who are some artist you would like to collaborate with? Coldplay, Jay-z, Katy perry, Bono & Beyonce to name a few.
Would you consider crossing over? Well, I feel like good music is universal and fits every genre of music and creed of people. That's the music I'm out to make. :) So to answer your question directly, yes I would.
What do you want to be remembered for? My music, personality and message. Heal the world like MJ lol really though.
What is your greatest fear ? Failure
When your not performing or working on a new track, how do you like to relax? I like to cook, get comfy and watch movies lol or travel and hang with friends and family :)
What is your favorite food? Lobster
What artist would you compare yourself to? Jay-Z
What is your favorite song? No Fair Exchange by Young Nik
How do you feel about having your music stolen or leaked rather than purchased? Just like a dept. Store u have to expect some type of loss, I just want to be heard and loved :)... As long as the gain is more than the loss, I'm cool.
Random fact about yourself? I like sugar in my collard greens.
Hidden Talent? I can cook.
If you weren't a rapper what would you be? I would be a doctor, I love to help the needy.
Any last words? Walk with Me on this musical journey, success is all we focused on! ;) www.twitter.com/youngnik718 www.reverbnation.com/youngnik718 I think I have a pretty good sense of humor lol try me! ..... I've been on hot97, 105.1, in Source Magazine twice and Straight Stuntin' Magazine... This is just my beginning! ;)
Thank You Young Nik!!!!